Hadn’t posted in a couple of days, so I just wanted to briefly catch you up on what’s been going on…
Today I am feeling very lackadaisical, I’ve been walking around in this "ho-hum" feeling all day. I don’t mean to dwell on depression, but as I ask myself why I am feeling this way I wonder if it’s due to any (or perhaps a combination of) the following:
– Today is Monday
– Today wasn’t the most productive day at work. I ended up having 4 meetings back to back, which really put a cramp in my being able to do work. I’m also in the middle of projects. After finishing up so many things last week I have new things I’m able to take on, but now it’s a matter of getting started on these things.
-The weather. It’s been really cloudy all day, really stormy and I’ve head some thunder – but no rain. There’s no sun either, but it’s still a little hot. I hate it when the weather is like it. Either rain or clear up and get sunny – this in-between stuff makes me feel "blah"
-My sister is leaving in 8 days for the summer. And another Gaudreau moves out of the house – three down, one to go! It’s kinda funny too. My sister Amanda is definitely one of the most challenging people in my life, and I think her being away from home will be good for both her and our family, but it’s a bit sad to think of her heading out, especially three days after her graduation party… I still think it’s kinda lame for her to be leaving this early, but she wants to go to Puerto Rico (despite all of our family’s objections). I just think about my summer after I graduated high school, and how in many ways that was the best summer that I ever had. I hope she’s not being robbed of that.
– I haven’t seen Joel or Emily for over a week. We’ve all been really busy, and Em’s been out of town for the last week. I guess you don’t realize how much your friends help shape your mood until they’re not around. Hopefully that’ll change a bit this week.
So that’s my day so far…