12 on the 12th – Inaugural / April 2006

This is the first installment of a monthly tradition called "12 on the 12th".  The idea was given to me from the Daily Breakfast podcast, where it was suggested that on the 12th of each month everyone takes a camera with them and takes twelve pictures throughout their day – a photographic "A day in the life of…".  Today was pretty busy and boring – work, car repairs & errands, but as you can see from my pictures, my day was filled with beauty.

>> You can also view these pictures on the Flickr! Photo Set

This is the view when I walked outside this morning on my apartment – Spring is here!

My cube at work…

It was so beautiful today! I took a walk around the campus after work.

Today was a day of car repairs – after car repair #1…

Car repair #2 – I had to get two tires replaced

Running errands in downtown Fort Collins – this is the view inside Colorado Drum. I got some new sticks and a ticket to the Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez drum clinic

I then went inside Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to get some Easter gifts…

I needed to get a close-up of these. These are giant Easter Eggs made out of chocolate. They’re hollow, filled with all sorts of candies inside!

Downtown Fort Collins, CO, walking back to my car from the Chololate Shop

Believe it or not, this is my apartment complex. This is the view to the left of the mailboxes.

After dinner I spent some time practicing drums, going over the music we’re goign to play at Holy Thursday Mass. The real drum set is packed up down stairs.

At my home office, getting in some web surfting before I get back to work.

So those are my 12 on the 12th!  I had a lot of fun doing this posting, I hope you enjoyeed my pictures! Those who have blogs/Flickr accounts, I would invite you to take part in this!  I look forward to May 12th!