Earlier this month, the girls, our friend Brett, and I got to experience the Broncos Season Ticket Member Combine, where we got to take the field of Mile High Stadium and test our football-related skills. I’m grateful that I caught the email advertising this free event for Eason ticket holders and that I had the girls that weekend. There was a point earlier in the week when the girls had zero interest in going, seeing it as a frivolous trip to Denver; my middle schooler finally agreed to go but said she wouldn’t do any of the activities.

Days before, we had unseasonably warm weather, but with temperatures returning to normal and the highs in the 40s, I was worried that it would be too cold for us to enjoy it.
We rolled in and got to go directly into the lower tunnel entrance that’s typically gated off.

Once inside, we got to experience the Visiting Team Locker Room, which we were told “isn’t quite as nice”. The girls were blown away by the size, saying that the locker room was larger than our entire house. As you leave the locker room, you’re greeted with a wall reminding you of Mile High’s elevation.

After rounding the corner, we had direct access to the field through the Visitors Tunnel. It was cute watching the girls stage their entrance into the field.
Different stations were set up throughout the field, starting with the 40-yard dash. All of us tried it. Mariana ran it in about 11 seconds, and Clara clocked in at 7.25 seconds, beating me at 7.59 seconds.
They also had an inflatable field goalpost and passing station, and the girls tried their hand at both and then saw how long and far they could jump. While Mariana was jumping, a photographer came by and snapped a photo, which is included in the recap email sent to all of the season ticket holders!
One of the neatest aspects of this event was bringing your football and playing in the middle of the field. The euphoria of being out in the field made up for my lack of skill. It was fun getting our shots and working on our touchdown dances.

Touchdown Celebrations:
We tried our hand at kicking some field goals, demonstrating that it’s absolutely harder than it looks.
The girls tried their hand at the 3-cone drill, running back and forth between three spaced cones. The last field activity was attempting to catch a punt. After watching grown men who struggled at it, Clara caught the punt on the first try!
We returned to the concourse and met former Broncos running back Gene Lang, who graciously signed their football, saw the Super Bowl trophies, the Broncos locker room from an outside window, the uniforms, the former injury cart, a throne, and a miniature Bucky statue.

We were blessed to experience it, and I’m grateful that the girls were receptive to trying all the different drills. Not many get to experience the field of that stadium, and we took away many unforgettable memories from the day.