After 31 days of blogging I took a break yesterday, but I wanted to commemorate my small achievement in completing NaBloWriMo. As I posted a month ago, I was going to attempt to blog at least once per day for the next month, and 37 posts later I made it!
I’m not going to lie: at the start of the month, it was a real chore to start blogging. There were nights when I sitting in bed next to my sleeping wife as I was typing away, anxious to hit “Post” before 12am. It was about the end of week 2 I finally caught my second wind and it became easier to block out time to blog.
Not all of my posts were must-reads, but some of my favorite ones over the month included:
- A rant against those who sell their tickets to opposing fans
- Comparing how sports screw up their playoff scheduling
- A random-thought post heading into the weekend
- .and more thoughts on baseball scheduling screw-ups
- Sharing stories and images from Austin
- A reaction to the “3 unrelated” law being revisited in Fort Collins
- A statistical listing of my favorite artists
I’ve really appreciated the experience, and hope that this will continue to ignite that blogging spark that I found when I started this blog back in May of 2005. Thank you for all of your support be reading my blog, and I hope that this was as fun for you as it was for me.